
How can you ensure you're checking your child for head lice properly?
Checking your child's hair only takes a few minutes and can easily become a routine, just like brushing their teeth.
How do you check

Use a white lice comb with teeth no more than 0.3mm apart in order to trap head lice.

Divide the child's hair into sections, inserting the comb at the roots and gliding outwards, ensuring you have a good light source on the hair. You can use a conditioner to help make the process more comfortable.
What are you looking for

You are looking for a living, moving louse, ranging in size from a full stop to a sesame seed depending on their age.

When it first hatches, a young louse (known as a nymph) is transparent but after its first blood meal, it will darken to a greyish brown colour.

Head lice live on, or very close to the scalp and don't wander far along the hair shaft unless encouraged to move to a new head.

How can you ensure you're checking your child for head lice properly?
Checking your child's hair only takes a few minutes and can easily become a routine, just like brushing their teeth.

How can you ensure your child is protected from future infestations?
If you're a parent then you probably know what a hassle it can be to treat head lice, and just how frustrating it can be when your child comes home scratching their head. Using a clinically proven protection product, such as Hedrin Protect & Go (containing Activdiol 1%), twice a week, can protect you and your family from future head lice infections.